Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Lord of the Dorks
As many of you know, I have recently moved to Madison, WI to pursue my career as a video enthusiast and have enrolled myself into the Madison Media Institute. Now, if any of you have heard me speak of my last school experience at the Minneapolis Technical College, you will know that it was not pleasant...sort of like a multi-cultural high school full of retards and idiots. That may seem harsh, but being surrounded by stupid people all day long really grinds my nuts. I guess I can't complain too much given my chosen field of study, but c'mon...give the Spence Ditty some intelligence love.
Then I saw a beacon of light in the Madison Media Institute and steered my boat directly towards it, thinking that there's no way a private school could house such dorks. Well...I was wrong. Not only does almost everyone I've overheard in conversation cream themselves that the thought of getting a 9 x9 foot map of Middle Earth (being auctioned off at the upcoming GeekCon in November), but I STILL have to deal with the fucking idiots. Many times during class, when one of these dorks are asking questions like "Because Star Wars moves so fast, does that mean it has a higher frame rate?," I picture myself jumping up on a table with my Rambo knife (in slow motion) and bringing it straight down on top of his scull with my "Superfly Snuka" slam.
One of the students comes to mind...check out this guy; from here on out, he will be called "The Vike" (pronounced Vee-k). I wish I had a picture, because the sight of seeing him wear a baseball hat and stocking cap at the same time would send you into fits of laughter and horror at the same time. I will try to sneak one soon. Oh yeah, dipshit, light blue painter jeans are not cool. Neither is your Blink-182 t-shirt. And I hate you.
Recently, I guess parking has been an issue at MMI (how would I know?). Here was his school-wide email that he sent to everyone, including all staff:
"Ok. I'll state the obvious cuz no one a Madison Media Institute has a fucking clue that there is no fucking parking in the lot on any giving day. The only days I get to actually park in the lot are mondays and thursdays because I have class at 8 am those days so I leave from Stoughton about 7:10 every monday and thursday. My other classes are like 11, or 1. That's when you know that your not going to get a spot in the small pee wee league parking lot that we have. This is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen. I've already got a $35 parking ticket because I had to park in the god damn street and the Madison Nazi Parking police wrote me a ticket for being close to the no parking sign. I must say it's fucking pissing me off that anytime I walk out there now and see a car parked next to the fucking sign the police are a bunch of lazy ass motherfuckers who won't write tickets for those people. This is a fucking disgrace to our school's name. We have a great school but, how do you go to your classes if there is absolutely no fucking place to park? I want you to answer that question for me. The answer is simple no one wants to park fucking 3 miles up the street the small business should'nt really give a rats ass who parks in there lot becuase they see MMI there is no where to fucking park. Also they have plenty of parking they should let only like 5 students park in there lots. Hell I'd pay for parking there if they need me to. I will say thank you for the warning about being towed away. If you need to see me sometime I would be more then happy to talk to the head of the school or you about this. Cuz it really does piss me off. We need to get a bigger lot so more students and staff can park there cars. Thank you very much for your time and hopefully someone can figure out this situation asap.
~Joe Vike~
P.S. I'm sure you'll be getting a dozen e-mails about this so you better be ready to listen to whatever people have to say. Also I'm sorry for my language I'm not a bad person but when something as stupid as this has to happen then I get angry. I hope you take my idea and the ideas of others into consideration."
Now is this guy a genius or what?
Then I saw a beacon of light in the Madison Media Institute and steered my boat directly towards it, thinking that there's no way a private school could house such dorks. Well...I was wrong. Not only does almost everyone I've overheard in conversation cream themselves that the thought of getting a 9 x9 foot map of Middle Earth (being auctioned off at the upcoming GeekCon in November), but I STILL have to deal with the fucking idiots. Many times during class, when one of these dorks are asking questions like "Because Star Wars moves so fast, does that mean it has a higher frame rate?," I picture myself jumping up on a table with my Rambo knife (in slow motion) and bringing it straight down on top of his scull with my "Superfly Snuka" slam.
One of the students comes to mind...check out this guy; from here on out, he will be called "The Vike" (pronounced Vee-k). I wish I had a picture, because the sight of seeing him wear a baseball hat and stocking cap at the same time would send you into fits of laughter and horror at the same time. I will try to sneak one soon. Oh yeah, dipshit, light blue painter jeans are not cool. Neither is your Blink-182 t-shirt. And I hate you.
Recently, I guess parking has been an issue at MMI (how would I know?). Here was his school-wide email that he sent to everyone, including all staff:
"Ok. I'll state the obvious cuz no one a Madison Media Institute has a fucking clue that there is no fucking parking in the lot on any giving day. The only days I get to actually park in the lot are mondays and thursdays because I have class at 8 am those days so I leave from Stoughton about 7:10 every monday and thursday. My other classes are like 11, or 1. That's when you know that your not going to get a spot in the small pee wee league parking lot that we have. This is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen. I've already got a $35 parking ticket because I had to park in the god damn street and the Madison Nazi Parking police wrote me a ticket for being close to the no parking sign. I must say it's fucking pissing me off that anytime I walk out there now and see a car parked next to the fucking sign the police are a bunch of lazy ass motherfuckers who won't write tickets for those people. This is a fucking disgrace to our school's name. We have a great school but, how do you go to your classes if there is absolutely no fucking place to park? I want you to answer that question for me. The answer is simple no one wants to park fucking 3 miles up the street the small business should'nt really give a rats ass who parks in there lot becuase they see MMI there is no where to fucking park. Also they have plenty of parking they should let only like 5 students park in there lots. Hell I'd pay for parking there if they need me to. I will say thank you for the warning about being towed away. If you need to see me sometime I would be more then happy to talk to the head of the school or you about this. Cuz it really does piss me off. We need to get a bigger lot so more students and staff can park there cars. Thank you very much for your time and hopefully someone can figure out this situation asap.
~Joe Vike~
P.S. I'm sure you'll be getting a dozen e-mails about this so you better be ready to listen to whatever people have to say. Also I'm sorry for my language I'm not a bad person but when something as stupid as this has to happen then I get angry. I hope you take my idea and the ideas of others into consideration."
Now is this guy a genius or what?