Blind Fury

Sunday, July 24, 2005

You had me at "the bass player for the Goo Goo Dolls"

I can sum up Bind Fury's posting of the top five ugliest with two words, Weak Sauce. Unfotunately I under estimated the speed and accuracy of Pure Energy and the Weak Sauce Oversite Committee.

Come on Blind Fury, Lili Talyor.

Yeah she can't act but she is not that bad. Here is the three that should have made the top ten but were omitted by Blind Fury's lazy ass.

(in no particluar order)

A.J. Mclean- Come on Blind Fury, I can't believe you let
this one go. At least Lance Bass has sweet Joey Fatone to
cuddle up to at night. What does this guy got? Another
question was he the shy one or the funny one?

Cameron Crowe- At least we know where
they got the ruff idea of what Tom Cruise
would look like after a terrible car accident.

Laura Dern- At least they kind of fix Helen Hunt's
awkwardness with good lighting and good supporting
actors. But there is something about Mrs. Dern that is
completely unsettling, I wonder how Ben Harper feels?

And of course my favorite


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