Blind Fury

Monday, August 15, 2005

It's totally that dude from Extreme...SWEET!

Calling all patriots, I've found your new leader. If you love your country, then you must love Dennis. I was going to start a new list of the "Hardest Rockers in Rock", but after seeing this guy, I was left speechless. This guy rocks harder than my clonebot of David Lee Roth, Bret Micheals, and that one dude from Queensryche that I'm building in my mom's basement (pictures of that soon). Stand proud, stand tall, stand with your gigantic plantinum steel balls in the air, cuz it just doesn't rock any harder than this.

Runner Up: This guy (sorry the link wasn't working)

Also, I wanted to share a little fantasy of mine with all of you. Lately, I've been having these dreams of getting my groove on near the mouth of a giant whale...well, I now know I'm not alone. Check this out and go to the Moby Dick one (actually, they are all pretty classy). Sadly enough, I've really wanted to do one of me a dork, but I think I'm going to have to go with Moon Lander. You know, baby, so I can take you to the moon!

Please post comments with your choice of room. I know Pure Energy will pick Castle or Cinderella...he was always a bit of a sally.

Now, if you want in on the real Fantasy, you are going to have to sign up by Friday...I want to get the draft going and there have been too many hold-outs...I'm looking at you again, PE. So, as my good friend/pimp Brad Neuman once said, "Get On It!"


  • Nothing says loving like the West Bend Happy Days Cafe. I can't think of anything better then bending your signifigant other over a pepsi machine, or satisfiying all my "Fonz" fantisies on top of a giant ham on rye. Its all wonderful until you order up a number 1 or 2 and wondering if your going to get a burger and fries or a lovely suprise.

    By Blogger Omega Doom, at 5:37 PM  

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