Blind Fury

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Today I Learned A Lot of Things:

Like who Omega Doom is...only Shawn could write a post that sucked worse than a Hoover attachment on the ballsac. Stop taking notes from other people who are funnier than you and get back to what you know best...being my chauffeur. Talk about lazy, your shit was more recycled than my mastrubatory tube sock on a Friday night at bar time. Hurry and get a notpad, I think Larry the Cable Guy is on Comedy Central doing stand-up right now, dude!

Like how people are lame for not posting already...ok group, this ain't no peep show! Stop touching and start typing! Introduce yourself with something really funny...Omega Doom can help if you can't think of anything.

Like how Pure Energy is wrong about the Swankers...I think Michael Jackson used one of her cheekbones for the knife fight in "Beat It"

Now, stop bugging me, I have to get to church. It's Sunday, for J-Christ's sake!


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